
Roger Hockett: The animal kingdom and farming

Several decades ago we had a family of magnificent great horned owls living in our barn (now the ...

Letters to Editor

Letter: Dollar General isn’t a good fit here

I represent the Support Group to Stop Wallowa Dollar General, which includes a number of Wallowa County residents ...


Other Views: Voter registration is up, but not for major parties

The midway point between the midterm election of 2022 and the presidential election of 2024 makes for a ...


Voice of the Chieftain: It’s time to dump the time change

You’ve heard us say this before. But we’re going to keep on saying it until this nation finally ...

Letters to Editor

Letter: Republican Party has lost its way

The Republican National Committee has lost its way! The new speaker of the House, a hard-line right-winger and ...

Letters to Editor

Letter: Roads to ‘nowhere’ are key lifelines

I have noted a number of articles where snow maintenance for Highway 204 and Highway 3 (Tollgate and ...

Letters to Editor

Letter: Dollar General not welcome here

Please join the citizens of Wallowa County to send a clear message to Wallowa DG, LLC 361 Summit ...


Voice of the Chieftain: Let’s talk about county’s energy plan

For the last couple of years, the team laboring on an ambitious energy plan for Wallowa County has ...


Other Views: How a fight over energy fizzled out

Eugene was all set to host, just about now, one of Oregon’s top culture war battles of the ...


Capital Chatter: Sen. Tim Knopp on the 2024 legislative session

Will Oregonians see a legislative session in 2024? Or will Republican lawmakers — at least on the Senate ...

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