
Voice of the Chieftain: Fish served Wallowa County well

The sheriff in a rural county is always on the clock: At the grocery store, attending a high ...

Letters to Editor

Letter: Don’t undermine the First Amendment

Those who signed our Constitution in 1787 clearly understood it was not a perfect document. The preamble states, ...


Capital Chatter: A big win for rural roads

Rural Oregonians and Republican politicians got a big win recently. The Oregon Department of Transportation essentially rescinded its ...


Randy Stapilus: Measure 110 needs fixes, not repeal

In November 2020, Measure 110, which generally decriminalized small-scale possession of illicit drugs. That passage was a call ...


Voice of the Chieftain: Board should OK energy plan

The Wallowa County Board of Commissioners won’t be voting on the county’s Community Energy Strategic Plan at its ...


Roger Hockett: Get to know your gay neighbors

A recent Chieftain article about banning a pamphlet at the library on LGBTQ+ people and the controversy surrounding ...


Capital Chatter: 10 realities confronting Oregon education

One of the first stories I wrote for the Jason Lee Junior High newspaper focused on the potential ...


Voice of the Chieftain: An outstanding season for prep athletes

It will sting for awhile, there’s no doubt about that: For the members of the Joseph Charter School ...


Main Street: A rollover prompts many words of thanks

Thanks! The first thank-you is to seat belts. I rolled my Honda Element last night on the way ...


Voice of the Chieftain: A day for ‘thanks, and ever thanks’

Thursday is Thanksgiving, which marks the official start of the holiday season. (We know that some of you ...

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