
Writers on the Range: Restoring the land can feel like fun

Driving back to Colorado State University with a van full of students after a day of working to ...


From the editor’s desk: A new reporter joins the Chieftain’s staff

I am very pleased to announce a new addition to the staff of the Chieftain: Jillian Hoefer has ...


Other voices: One-party rule in this state can be solved with a very Oregon reform

In a recent guest column, I laid responsibility for many of Oregon’s political discontents — including the “Greater ...


Pendleton proves that supporting innovation works

For Oregon’s innovators to positively impact their communities, state support is crucial. I’ve seen this firsthand in the ...


Roger Hockett: Farm debt and stress

My parents were farmers on Prairie Creek from the 1940s through the 1990s and my mother in particular ...


Randy Stapilus: Walkout problem requires constitutional fix

It’s time to acknowledge, after watching this year’s Oregon legislative session, that Plan B didn’t work, and Oregon ...


Writers on the Range: Backcountry heroes always try to bring us back

When I was leading groups into the Wyoming wilderness in the 1990s, once we left a trailhead we ...


Shannon Wheeler: Addressing a 100-year injustice at Wallowa Lake

The Nez Perce Tribe noted the article on U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley’s tour of the proposed reconstruction of ...


Capital Chatter: Four questions about the walkout

Is Oregon’s 2023 legislative session toast? The answers I hear from political insiders range from “yes” to “not ...


‘Rick Gray Jr.: Portland’s dominance harms the state

The slender majority in Wallowa County’s recent Greater Idaho referendum makes the county the 12th in Eastern Oregon ...

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