
Other Views: How a fight over energy fizzled out

Eugene was all set to host, just about now, one of Oregon’s top culture war battles of the ...


Capital Chatter: Sen. Tim Knopp on the 2024 legislative session

Will Oregonians see a legislative session in 2024? Or will Republican lawmakers — at least on the Senate ...


Writers on the Range: Creative builders get rural housing done

Here’s a statistic to be unhappy about: Colorado and Utah host the fifth and sixth most expensive housing ...


From the regional editor: Reporting teams will tackle tough topics

Not too long ago, when Saint Alphonsus Medical Center-Baker City announced that it planned to close its birth ...


Other Views: State-based health insurance exchange would protect access to coverage

Gov. Tina Kotek recently signed Senate Bill 972, which will enable Oregon to transition from the federal health ...


Randy Stapilus: Lawmakers lay groundwork for future sessions

Oregon legislators have been burrowing into newsy topics like housing, road tolling, crime, Measure 110 and the Pac-12 ...


Ann Bloom: The case against banning books

Last week was “Banned Books Week,” a week not to celebrate banning books, but a week to recognize ...


Writers on the Range: Are beavers always the answer? It depends

Beavers, through their assiduous dam building, can recharge groundwater and provide habitat for fish and wildlife. In the ...


Capital Chatter: Journalism makes a big difference

Were it not for newspapers, Oregonians would not know about Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s high-dollar moonlighting for ...


Capital Chatter: Six observations about Gov. Tina Kotek

As the Oregon Legislature was winding down its 2023 session, Gov. Tina Kotek held a press conference at ...

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