
Main Street: A rollover prompts many words of thanks

Thanks! The first thank-you is to seat belts. I rolled my Honda Element last night on the way ...


Other Views: Oregon’s largest public-sector union forges its own path

Is Oregon’s largest private-sector union going its own way politically? It’s too early to say conclusively, but as ...


Capital Chatter: Population worry shadows economic forecast

Oregon’s economy is in stable condition. So are state revenues and Oregon’s population. That’s not bad news. Neither ...


Other Views: Energy independence for Wallowa County

Wallowa County’s proposed “Community Energy Strategic Plan” lays out a comprehensive, coordinated, proactive and farsighted strategy to become ...


Other Views: Pulling thistles and sowing hope

For the past few years I’ve participated in “Thistle Thursdays,” targeting a popular trail near Jackson, Wyoming. The ...


From the editor’s desk: ‘Nobody reads the Chieftain?’ Nonsense

Recently, I’ve sat through meetings in Wallowa County where I’ve heard people say variations of this phrase: “Nobody ...


Other Views: Will Congress heed the warning call on hunger?

It is said that hunger is the canary in the coal mine of household economic suffering. For cash-strapped ...


Other Views: Dollar General is not a bargain

News of Dollar General expanding to Wallowa County is cause for great concern. While these stores may offer ...


Roger Hockett: The animal kingdom and farming

Several decades ago we had a family of magnificent great horned owls living in our barn (now the ...


Other Views: Voter registration is up, but not for major parties

The midway point between the midterm election of 2022 and the presidential election of 2024 makes for a ...

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