Latest Columnists wallowa


Other Views: Mildrexler wrong on specifics in Blue Mountains forests

Although the general ideas David Mildrexler wrote (the column “Large trees are vital to protect water,” in the ...


Education Corner: Preschool tricksters may need more help with reading

Have you ever encountered a preschooler or kindergartner who reads effortlessly? Often they are quite intelligent and are ...


From here to anywhere: Living in interesting times, indeed

You’ve probably heard that ancient Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.” If we didn’t catch the ...


Other views: The importance of reading to children

For generations, we have heard how important it is to read to children. It provides adult time that ...


Other views: Grateful for newspapers

Thanksgiving is a great time for counting our blessings and expressing gratitude. In challenging times, an attitude of ...


Eye to the sky: Winter season is only just beginning (copy)

It’s safe to say that winter has arrived in the interior Northwest.


Eye to the sky: Winter season is only just beginning

It’s safe to say that winter has arrived in the interior Northwest.


It’s about health and wellness: How to be together while still being apart

Thanksgiving is a time for families to get together for a meal, to give thanks for a successful ...


Other views: Combating the rise of COVID-19 locally

Wallowa County is experiencing a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases, including people with and without symptoms. At a ...


Main Street: Reflecting on a privileged life

A week ago, I was exposed to COVID-19. It was my grandson, who had been in Portland with ...

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