Letter to the editor: Nash is the best bet for Senate District 29

Published 12:48 pm Monday, May 13, 2024

I am writing this letter to the editor to hopefully help you decide who the best candidate is for Senate District 29. Clearly it is Todd Nash in my analysis. I am not known to write letters to the editor; in fact, this is only my second in 45 years of voting.

Todd Nash has the experience, the knowledge, the dedication and the passion to get things accomplished that help all of the farms and ranches, industries, schools, county infrastructures and citizens in the district.

Watching his growth over the last 20 years has been a pleasure as he has continually increased his knowledge to make him a better steward of livestock production as well as to broaden outside of that area to being a shepherd for his county, his statewide livestock organization as well as national organization. He is an effective voice at all levels.

Mr. Dougherty has ethical issues and Mr. Drotzmann lacks rural knowledge and connection.

Folks, here’s the deciding factor for me, and hopefully you have seen it as well: Todd cares about you, all of you, and will passionately represent you. He will work his tail off and fight the good fight for you, just like Sen. Hansell has done. Some run for the prestige, some for power, some for personal reasons; Todd is running to make your life better. I urge you to join me and vote Todd Nash for Senate District 29. He IS the right choice!

Rodger Huffman

