Enterprise council hears update on sex-ed pamphlet

Published 12:15 am Friday, December 15, 2023

ENTERPRISE — The Enterprise City Council heard updates on the placement of a controversial pamphlet at the library and a request to create a police review board during its meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 12.

Mayor Ashley Sullivan, who also serves on the council’s library Committee, briefed councilors about the committee’s decisions to keep a “zine”-style brochure on sex education aimed primarily to LGBTQ+ teenagers and youth in the library but to move it to a different location where it won’t be seen by younger children.

City Librarian Liz Cedarbrook said the brochure would be moved by the adult fiction section of the library, where all other long-term brochures will be located. She said a brochure is considered long-term if it is the library’s intention to keep it indefinitely and used the example of a pamphlet about the federal supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC) as an example.

Short-term brochures that may be kept on a table in the foyer include information on ongoing community activities.

The brochure, created by graduate students at Portland State University, became an issue when a member of Christ Covenant Church in Lostine objected to their placement in the library’s foyer. The low table they were on enabled her young children to look at the pamphlets, the church member said.

The controversy attracted big crowds to the council chambers at a Nov. 13 City Council meeting and a Dec. 4 meeting on the Library Committee.

City Administrator Lacey McQuead said that the comments that were made after both of those meetings had been positive. She said the “community seemed very supportive and proud that we came to a resolution that seems to work for everyone.”

Police review board

Councilors also heard an update about a request from Enterprise resident Tami Nuxall that the council create a police review board to offer oversight of the Police Department. Nuxall spoke to councilors at the Nov. 13 council meeting.

Council President Jeff Yanke said that the council’s Police Committee met after the council meeting and concluded that Nuxall had not make a persuasive case to create a review board.

Councilor Eric Stangel said the committee has and will continue to research a review board to make sure it’s doing its due diligence, but there is nothing additional to report.

Nuxall launched her campaign for a police review board after an incident in which she said an Enterprise police officer inappropriately pointed his firearm at her and children who were with her. Police Chief Kevin McQuead said the officer had responded appropriately to the incident. She did not immediately respond to email requests for comment on the council’s action.

Social gaming

The council voted to approve a social-gaming license for the Range Rider. Jacey Bell, the owner of the Range Rider, said she hopes to have bingo nights where the winner would receive half the pot and the other half would be sent to a charity of the winner’s choice. She also said there are plans for a Texas Hold ‘em night, but those plans are still incomplete.

2024 committees

The mayor also read committee assignments for the coming year and selected chairs for most of them:

• The Administrative/Executive Committee will consist of Sullivan, Yanke and Stangel, with Sullivan being the chair.

• The Fire Department Committee will consist of Yanke, Elliott and Councilor Brandon Miller. No chairman was selected.

• The Library Department Committee will consist of Sullivan, Stangel and Councilor Corey Otten, with Sullivan being the chair.

• The Police Department Committee will consist of Yanke, Councilor Rick Freeman and Otten. No chairman was selected.

• The Public Works and Sewer Department Committee will consist of Sullivan, Stangel and Miller, with Stangel being the chairman.

• The Motel Tax Committee will consist of Otten and Elliott, with Elliot being the chairman.

• The Airport Committee will consist of Freeman and Elliott, with Freeman being the chairman.

• The Projects Committee will consist of Otten, Freeman and Elliott, with Otten being the chairman.

• The Hiring Committee will consist of Sullivan and the chair for the committee that is hiring and the appropriate department manager.
