Enterprise votes to spend $22,000 on sewer plant equipment

Published 12:58 pm Wednesday, March 12, 2025

ENTERPRISE — The Enterprise City Council voted to spend more than $22,000 for a new blower and motor for its sewage treatment plant during its meeting Monday, March 10.

Sewer plant operator Dave Wilkie said the the Enterprise Public Works Department doesn’t necessarily need a new blower and motor at the moment, but doesn’t want to be in a position where one goes out and the plant is without the equipment.

Councilor David Elliott agreed the city is better off not having to replace all three of the plant’s blowers or motors at once. Wilkie said his goal is to cycle the blowers out, providing maintenance and repair as needed, but always having an extra one on the shelf.

The blower costs $11,255.39 and the blower motor costs $11,510.77. The expense was included in the 2024-25 budget.

In another matter, the council approved two ordinances and an appointment requested by the city’s Planning Commission.

Karl Doss was appointed to a position that expires Dec. 31, 2028.

The commission also requested an ordinance changing the required height from 4½ feet to 6 feet for any fence within 20 feet of a public right of way.

Councilor Rick Freeman asked why the change was requested and City Administrator Lacey McQuead said the Planning Commission recommended the increase after processing multiple applications over the years that have come before the council requesting a variance.

Mayor Cody Lathrop said a second reading of the ordinance would take place at the April 14 council meeting.

The commission also requested a corrective amendment to an ordinance on the setbacks required for residential zones. Lathrop said the second reading for this corrective amendment also would take place April 14.

The council also approved lodging tax grants of $2,000 apiece for Juniper Jam, the Courthouse Concert Series, Hells Canyon Mule Days, the Main Street Show & Shine, the Woodlands and Watershed Festival, Northeast Oregon Bison and Seafood Festival and the Shop Local Banner Project.

One other grant request that was expected, from the Wallowa Land Trust, was not presented at the council meeting.

In other business, the council heard presentations from representatives of Community Bank and the Bank of Eastern Idaho, both of which are seeking the city’s business. Community Bank is being taken over by the Spokane Teachers Credit Union and the local Community Bank branch will become an STCU branch when that is completed. Elliott moved to postpone the decision until the April meeting, a motion that was approved.

The council also heard department reports and set the date of the next council meeting for April 14.
