About today’s editorial pages

Published 5:04 pm Wednesday, May 1, 2024

About today’s editorial pages

Our email inbox continues to be filled with your election-related letters to the editor, so we’re devoting two full opinion pages today to your words.

We still have a backlog of letters to print, but we’re on track to fulfill our guarantee to print every election-themed letter we received by the end of the day on Tuesday, April 30. That deadline has passed, but we still might be able to find room to print an election letter or two that trickles in over the next few days, although we can’t guarantee it.

Remember, though, that every letter we receive will be posted online as soon as we’re able to process it — even if we run out of space or time to print it.

Ballots for the May 21 election will start being mailed out today and should be in your mailbox within the next few days. Remember that ballots must be returned or postmarked by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

— Mike McInally, editor
