County wrestlers earn state rankings

Published 3:40 pm Tuesday, December 26, 2023

ENTERPRISE — With some tournaments and duals now completed, has released statewide rankings for the 2A/1A division.

The group does not split the rankings between boys and girls, lumping both in the current standings.

Here is where grapplers sit with updates coming soon.

At 285 pounds, Enterprise senior Cade Cunningham is ranked fourth statewide. He is joined at the 215-pound class by Outlaw junior Gunnar McDowell, who’s ranked third.

At 165 pounds, Enterprise junior Astyn Irwin is ranked ninth.

At 157 pounds, Outlaw senior Tegan Evans trails only Illinois Valley’s Ryan Griffin in the rankings with Evans holding down second place among the state’s wrestlers.

Fellow Enterprise junior Pearce Schnetzky is ranked seventh in the 150-pound division.

Joseph makes an appearance in the rankings, with Joseph sophomore Austin Schultz ranked 35th at 144 pounds.

The 138-pound class sees participants from both Enterprise and Joseph, with Outlaw sophomore Tyler Garner holding down 13th and Eagle junior Dylan Rogers ranked 19th.

Joseph junior Jayden McNall is ranked eighth at 132 pounds, with Enterprise sophomore Gunner Sinclair sitting at 10th in the same weight class. places Enterprise sophomore Talluah April the fifth-best wrestler at 120 pounds and freshman Luke Patterson 17th in the same weight division.

Enterprise sophomore James Royes comes in seventh at 113 pounds along with Outlaw sophomore Kaylee Eaves at 25th.

Enterprise freshman Barrett Bronson is ranked seventh in the state at 106 pounds.
