November ballot deadline less than a week away
Published 9:00 am Wednesday, August 24, 2022
- Wallowa County election worker Ashley Christman punches in a command on the county’s new central count tabulation machine in the basement of the courthouse Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
SALEM — The deadline for finalizing the general election line-up is next Tuesday, Aug. 30 — leaving less than a week for the Oregon Secretary of State to finalize who is in and who is off the Nov. 8 ballot.
The big question: Will Betsy Johnson qualify to run as an unaffiliated candidate for governor? The former Democratic state senator from Columbia County last week submitted petitions with over 48,000 signatures — twice the number needed to join Democrat Tina Kotek and Republican Christine Drazan one the ballot.
Based on prior petition drives, Johnson would appear to have enough of a buffer to survive the signature verification process, which can strike invalid voters from the count.
Johnson wants to be just the second governor in state history elected without a major party affiliation.
That historic question mark is a reason Secretary of State Shemia Fagan will make a public announcement of the outcome of the signature verification process.
How soon would it be thumbs up or thumbs down? Ben Morris, Fagan’s spokesman, said it’s a work in progress.
“I don’t have an update at this time,” Morris said.
While Johnson is the headliner, Aug. 31 is also the final date for the six minor parties recognized by the state to add candidates to the ballot or cross-nominate one of the other party choices.
So far, Portland naturopathic doctor Nathalie Paravicini, of Portland, has been nominated by the Pacific Green Party.
Minor parties, major roles?
While relatively small, the minor parties can play significant roles in the governor’s election.
In 2018, Gov. Kate Brown was both the Democratic and Working Families Party candidate against the Republican candidate, former Rep. Knute Buehler, R-Bend. Candidates for the Independent, Constitution, Libertarian and Progressive parties were also on the general election ballot.
Brown beat Buehler by over 7% of the vote, a win she called “a slam dunk.” But along with Buehler receiving 43.65% of the vote, the four minor party candidates together totaled over 6% of the vote. Brown’s portion was 50.05% of all votes. Votes for someone other than Brown equaled about 49.95%.
Oregon does not have a runoff if a general election winner receives less than half of the vote.
A similar minor party showing of 6% in 2022 could wreak havoc in a tight-three way race among major candidates for Oregon governor. The Center for Politics at the University of Virginia forecast last week that the winner in Oregon could have as little as 40% of the vote.
Oregon currently recognizes eight political parties. But the largest bloc of voters belong to no party at all.
As of Aug. 2, there are 2,956,243 registered voters in Oregon, according to the secretary of state.
Topping the chart are 1,017,662 nonaffiliated voters. They account for 34% of the Oregon electorate.
Democrats have 1,011,328 registered voter — 6,334 fewer than nonaffiliated voters.
Republicans have 729,535 registered voters — a sizable 288,127 fewer than the nonaffiliated group.
The two major parties selected their candidates during primaries on May 17. Only party members could vote in each, with the highest office on a non-affiliated ballot being the nonpartisan judges and the commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries.
With Brown unable to run again because of term limits, the primaries drew squadrons of hopefuls.
Republicans had 19 candidates for governor. Drazan, the former House minority leader from Canby, emerged from the pack with just under 23% of the vote — good enough for a plurality win.
Democrats chose from 14, with Kotek, the former house speaker from Portland, the overwhelming choice with 56% of the vote.
The closed primaries meant Kotek moved to the general election by winning 140,943 of 251,419 votes cast in the Democratic primary. The more contentious and fractured GOP race chose Drazan win with 84,259 votes out of 372,552 cast.
The two major party candidates won with small totals in low-turnout primaries limited to party members.
But in November, all 2.9 million registered voters receive the same statewide ballot regardless of party.
Since the primary, the ballot has filled up with new names — minor party candidates, write-ins and a few post-primary replacements of candidates who bowed out for various reasons.
While Johnson wants to run as an unaffiliated candidate, she is a rarity among nonaffiliated voters. She resigned from the Senate and the Democratic Party last year to change her voter registration status.
Most nonaffiliated voters are a result of the state’s “motor-voter” law that automatically registers people to vote when they get or renew a driver’s license or have other transactions with the state. They are sent a card in the mail afterward asking if they wish to register with a party. Most don’t return the card and are listed as non-affiliated voters with their county clerks’ offices.
The group is called non-affiliated because the more common term — independents — is part of the name of the Independent Party of Oregon, which dates to 2007.
The centrist Independent Party of Oregon is the largest of six state-recognized minor parties. It counts 137,790 registered voters.
In the 2018 election, Patrick Starnes of Brownsville was the Independent Party nominee until he announced late in the race that he was throwing his support to the incumbent Brown because of pledges she made on Starnes’ key issue, campaign finance reform. That caused a riff in Independent Party ranks, with others announcing their endorsement of the Republican challenger, former Rep. Knute Buehler, R-Bend.
In 2022, the Independent Party is “cross-nominating” candidates in a number of races, essentially endorsing other parties’ candidates and allowing them to carry the party’s identification as a second line on their ballot listing.
Oregon’s so-called “sore loser” law bars them from nominating a candidate defeated in a major party primary. But primary winners can carry the additional identification if cross-nominated by minor parties.
U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, was cross-nominated by the Independent Party and can appear as both Democrat and Independent on the ballot. In caucuses, the party has cross-nominated in over 50 congressional, state and local races. Its list favors Democrats, but includes a smattering of Republicans, including Sen. Bill Kennemer, R-Oregon City.
Race for governor
One race in which the Independent Party will not cross-nominate: governor.
Individual party leaders and members are free to voice their choice. But the Independent nomination line on the ballot won’t appear for Kotek, Drazan or Johnson.
“The IPO statement leaves open the possibility of individual endorsements,” said Independent Party board member Andrew Kaza, of Redmond. “There is some history of this with differing viewpoints in previous (secretary of state) & Governor’s races. But no x-nom on this one.”
The numbers of members of each minor party drops off steeply after the Independent Party.
The Libertarian Party has 20,844 members backing its small-government, laissez-faire economic politics.
A trio of parties on the political left include the wage earned-oriented Working Families Party with 8,358 voters, environmentally-activist Pacific Green Party at 7,819 voters, and liberal-leaning Progressive Party with 3,223 voters.
On the political right is the Constitution Party with 3,842 members. It advocates for Bible-based beliefs and limits on the authority of government
The registration totals leave another 15,842 voters, listed on the Secretary of State’s monthly tabulation as “other” – most likely active voters who registered with several parties once recognized by the state, but now officially defunct as far as state elections are concerned. These could include the Socialist, Peace, US Taxpayers, Reform, Natural Law and All People Count parties.